Monday, April 03, 2006

Another stickage update.

Okay, so I did stick figure drama from home tonight for the first time in months. What that means is I had easy access to my FTP storage space for the images, and was able to upload last week's strip *AND* this coming week's strip.

Yup, that's right. You get the chance to check out Stick Figure Drama #94 before it appears in print. Enjoy it while you can. This won't happen often.

Be warned, though. The air frivolity will not last forever in this strip. Something dreadful is on the horizon. Something ominous. Something deadly.


And that's all the foreshadowing I feel like doing right now. Cheerio.


elise_on_life said...

Oooooooh! A preview! I'm so excited!!!!!

Ha! I could ruin it for all your other readers and tell them who will die! But, I won't be so nasty. I will just gloat in my privaleged information. I know who's gonna die!! Nnaah-nah!!

Todd said...

I appreciate your decision to maintain your silence (though it's debateable exactly how much "suspense" would actually surround this event).

Mind you, I'm sure the decision is partly motiviated by the realization that spilling secrets makes one less appealing to share secrets with. And I'm sure you'll be eager for more stick figure drama secrets eventually.

elise_on_life said...

Yes, that would be my primary motivation. ANy new secrets to divulge??

elise_on_life said...

P.S. I like the bug!!

Todd said...

Any secrets to divulge? I'm absolutely *filled* with secrets! But none are ready to divulge quiet yet...

Patience. :)

elise_on_life said...

Grrrrr . . . meanie!

Todd said...

Now, now, I'm simply trying to ensure that you don't start taking secrets for granted. It's important to learn not to take the little things -- like secrets and confidences -- for granted, don't you think?

Or are you more of a "Gimme, and gimme now," type?

elise_on_life said...

It sort of depends. When it comes to secrets, every second hurts.

That's also true of bacon.