Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This is a test

This is a test.

Testing my bizarre new MS Word plug-in for Blogger. How weird and unnatural this seems, to be blogging from Word. Assuming it doesn’t turn out to messy and bizarre, I might actually get in the habit of doing it this way.


Anonymous said...

Hi ya Todd.

Back at work and catching up on all my regular reading. Now that Stickage is in the local paper, I don't have to check this one out as often. And hey, you do have a blog that's great to read, if also intensely personal. I don't have a blog for you to check out, and I think I'll stay far far away from Atlanta Sex, but mesothalamia (or whatever it is) sounds kinda interesting...

Anonymous said...

Bah! Mesotholemia (sp) is a lung disease caused by asbestos and the site suggests a certain amount of lawyers being involved. I was hoping for dinosaurs or the beginning of man or some weird sea creature discovery. I'm crushed,..

Well, okay, not really. More just kind of shaking my head at how blogs have become corporate appendages for selling ever more products.

Todd said...

Well, even if you have less reason to visit now that stickage is in the local paper, please drop by now and then anyway to help push my counter up. I'm nearly at 2K! W00tz3rz!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://jpfwbiuk.com/fdkz/pyeg.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://dvwjryej.com/wgdo/uqak.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://jpfwbiuk.com/fdkz/pyeg.html | http://luadotae.com/chzk/uuem.html